I am using an updatepanel in my application to surround a gridview. There is then a button on the form whose click event triggers the panel to be refreshed. Update is set to "Conditional".
The problem I am having is very strange. Most of the time the application works perfectly, with the griview being properly refreshed following the click event processing. However once the number of rows in the gridview get's past 10 or so records, the gridview does not show up on the page after the click even has completed (prior to the click event in javascript I 'hide' the gridview by changing it's visibility style).
Why would it work most of the time, and not all of the time?
Any help would be appreciated as this is a 'live' internal application!
You should us a utility to look at the response data in the case where the grid remains invisible. My guess is that an error is occuring on the server, or the request is timing out. I like using Nikhil's WebDevHelper which can be downloaded fromhttp://www.nikhilk.net/Project.WebDevHelper.aspx
I did more testing and it appears to be just stopping after 90 seconds; then the progress bar stops, and nothing is displayed on the scree.
Is there some kind of Atlas timeout that is taking place because the server operation is a long one?
The server operation involves making one to xx calls to an external webservice and displays the results of all the calls combined into one gridview. It is threaded so it is running as efficiently as possible; but it sometimes can run for over 90 seconds...
I did add:
httpRuntimeexecutionTimeout ="600"/>to the web config, but that doesn't seem to be doing anything.
Any help would be appreciated!
Check out posthttp://forums.asp.net/thread/1331542.aspx
It looks like there is a 90 second timeout coded in the update panel that you may be able to change if you want to modify the js file a bit.
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